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-- 作者:熊猫 -- 发布时间:2010/9/2 8:47:33 -- [原创]山中淋雨 山中淋雨 一个夏秋之交的周末,夏季的酷上海整形专家杨云霞热还在苟延残喘,我与家人一起去新乡辉县的万仙山风景区。记不得那里的景点,也记不清都看过些什么,只是不能忘记那一次山中淋雨。那一次淋雨,真可谓淋得潇洒淋得浪漫淋得尽致! 伴着一路骄阳走进山里,才感觉到一丝凉爽,天慢慢地阴了起来,雨点点地滴了起来。爱人抱怨:“真不巧,赶了个雨天!”我却不以为然,深深地吸了一口气,感觉山中的清新空气直抵肺腑。李健吾在雨中登泰山后曾言:“山没有水,如同人没有眼睛,似乎少了灵性。”我庆幸自己一进山便上海整形专家缪勇得以感受山的灵气。再者,我一直喜欢雨,喜欢雨天,喜欢风儿飘飘,雨儿潇潇的那份优美意境,喜欢雨雾中那缕轻柔与朦胧,喜欢雨巷中的那抹清愁和古韵。 转载自 沿着歪歪斜斜的石阶,走进幽幽长长的雨巷,走进农家,吃了一顿地地道道的农家午餐之后,我们开始向山的深处行走。霏霏的小雨无声地下着,我却不愿撑伞,一任细细的雨滴落在身上,清新清凉的感觉蔓延在心上。我喜欢淋雨,喜欢漫步烟雨之中的情趣,喜欢那种湿湿凉凉清清爽爽的惬意。此时,山风习习,山溪上海整形专家许黎平淙淙,山花朵朵,山雨蒙蒙,步入其中,似梦似幻,越走越有一种入诗的感觉。我,的脑海中浮现出了“自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁”的句子,只不过,愁绪了无痕,诗意伴我行,便在心中自作主张地把诗中的“愁”改作了“诗”。 山是如此沉默,一滴滴雨的飘落更凸现了山的沉默。这时,脑海中又跃然而出李白的诗句:“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山。”山是无言的,无论何时它都默默相对;但山又是有情的,无论怎样它都默默接纳。放目远方,雨水清洗的峰峦叠翠,一望上海最好的整形医院无际,让人感觉山的胸怀是宽阔的,山的内涵是博大的;俯视脚下,雨水浸润的花草芊芊,一派自然,感觉山的情感是纤柔的,山的心思是细腻的。而此刻,山中的雨更给人增添了许多的畅想:雨,是山的独语吗?雨,是山的泪滴吗?雨,是山的倾诉吗?雨,是山的诗意吗? 那种飘飘忽忽若有若无的小雨不知不觉间就不见了。山中弥漫的浓雾慢慢地化开,苍翠欲滴的山林铺展在我的眼前,那满眼深深浅浅浓浓淡淡的绿啊,让人不忍回眸。可山中的雨变幻无常,也在不知不觉间,雨又渐渐地急了起来,加之天色已晚,我们只好回到住处。 在大山的怀抱之中静卧听雨,倒也别有一番情趣在心头。第二天清晨在鸟鸣声中醒来,雨依然淅淅沥沥地下着。拿着伞走出门,牵着女儿的小手走进雨中,只听伞上的雨点声越来越紧越来越密,由假体隆胸于只顾给女儿打伞,我的衣服很快就淋湿了。 山中的雨真是变化莫测,又一阵浓雾拢来,顷刻间,雨声响亮地敲打着手中的伞,犹如大珠小珠落玉盘,伞下也下起了小雨。这时,爱人说:“我给女儿打伞,你别叫雨淋了。”我说:“这样淋雨,可是机会难得呀,回到家我一定写一篇《山中淋雨》!”他笑:“是‘山’中淋雨,还是‘伞’中淋雨?”我笑,女儿也笑。心中,一种温暖在升腾。看身边不少的游人也一家一家地相互依儇着,在山中,在雨中,描绘着一幅幅和谐美满充满温情的图画。 |
-- 作者:山雨夜来涨 -- 发布时间:2010/12/26 23:34:07 -- and effect the visibility Coating is the critical step among marking construction, sealcoating equipment and please pay more stict attention to its operation procedures. Coating procedures and precautions: 1) Check pavement marking equipment and inspect the construction equipment carefully and assure that they are in good condition. Please do pre-marking, and check pavement striping machines the color, thickness, width, volume and glass beads spread volume. if necessary, adjust the parameters and asphalt striping machine. 2) Coating should be start after the primer drying thoroughly. Or, the solvent will penetrate the unhardened paint film, resulting in solvent bubbles, field striping machine and marking contamination. 3) To ensure the visibility of markings at night, please spread glass beads when coating construction. It is demonstrated that half of the diameter of field marking equipment glass beads embedded in coating that the reflect effect is the best. But we should know that the glass bead will be buried in the coating if line marking equipment the paint temperature is high, while the glass beads spreading speed is fast ,and the glass beads can not adhered to coating firmly and is easy to come off if the paint temperature is low, while line markers glass beads spreading speed is slow, for at that time the coating is almost solidified, which will affect the whole reflect effect. Glass beads should be spreaded uniformly, generally speaking, 0.3~0.5kg on square meter is proper. If line striping equipment the glass bead is too excessive, it will make the markings\' color bad and cause uneven visual effect, and is easy for dust to stick on it and effect the visibility. |